Frequently Asked Questions
Adopting a new puppy is an exciting time! We want to make sure all of your questions are answered. We have gathered many of our forever family’s frequently asked questions and answers here for you to read. Before reaching out to us, please take a look and see if the answer to your question can be found here.
Due to the large number of emails and phone calls we receive, it can take us up to 72-hours to return your email or phone call.
How long have you been a breeder?
We’ve been raising our beautiful goldendoodles since 1996! We have many years prior experience with pups as my mother also raised puppies for over 30 years! Each of our adult dogs and every single puppy feel like one of our children. We are so happy to share the joy of caring for a dog with you!
Do you provide references?
Absolutely! We provide references to serious prospective owners. We have wonderful happy families who have volunteered on our behalf to be a reference! For serious prospective owners seeking a reference, please reach out to us on our contact page.
Do you accept visitors?
There’s nothing like cuddling with a room full of puppies and while we’d love to open our home and litters to you as a visitor, it’s simply not safe to do so.
Our primary focus in on the health and safety of our puppies, which we take very seriously. It only takes one visit from one person to introduce Parvo virus or other communicable illnesses into our litters and puts all our dogs and puppies at risk. A risk we’re not willing to take.
See our full visitor policy here.
Thank you for understanding our commitment to our dogs and your puppy.
Can I bring my dog when I pickup my pup?
While we would love to see your dog, it could be upsetting to our dogs and our current puppy litters. We wouldn’t want to risk the health and safety of our puppies.
See our full visitor policy here.
Can I visit my puppy between the time I purchase him/her and the time I pick him/her up?
We try to limit the amount of exposure to potentially harmful bacteria or disease that enter our environment. To protect the health and safety of our puppies we do not allow visits in-between purchase and pickup.
See our full visitor policy here.
Do you buy your puppies back, or refund our purchase price, if at any time we find ourselves unable to keep the dog we purchased?
We do not “buy back” or offer refunds for puppies or dogs. However, in most cases, we will take them back for re-homing. We are the best resource available for finding the perfect home for the dog you purchased from us, either recently or from several years ago. If you have a puppy or dog needing re-homing, please reach out to us on our contact page.
Do you offer a discount when purchasing more than one puppy?
Yes, whether buying multiple puppies at the same time or one now, one at a later date and another one after that, we offer a discount of $200 for each additional puppy.
The pick up day does not work for me, will you hold my puppy?
Generally speaking, we do not hold puppies. Puppies are picked up by their forever families on Saturdays. We will email you the specific Saturday pickup time 1-week prior to the puppies going home. For this reason, we ask families to please keep your schedule open on the date the puppy is ready to go home.
There are times we may be able to hold a puppy for a short period. This is on a case by case basis and must be approved by me in writing (email) prior to placing your deposit.
If we agree to hold a puppy, there may be an additional weekly fee. Your puppy must be paid for in full by 6 weeks of age. We are unable to hold puppies past 8 weeks that are not paid for in full.
What is a puppy mill and why is a breeder different?
A puppy mill is an establishment that breeds puppies for sale on an intensive basis under inhumane conditions. These establishments have no regard for their adult dogs or how many puppies they produce.
We are a professional breeder. Our dogs and puppies are raised in our home in a clean, loving environment. Sometimes we may have more than one litter of puppies available at the same time. We are not a puppy mill.
Do puppies come micro-chipped?
All puppies are micro-chipped prior to leaving. When you arrive to pick up your puppy you will fill out the registration form to register the micro-chip into your name. We will mail this in to transfer the micro-chip into your name, we generally mail these quarterly. Your puppy is still protected during this time, if the micro-chip has not been registered they will call the lot # owner who is myself.
If you want your puppy to have a tag with their micro-chip number on it, you will need to purchase this on your own separately.
At your first vet visit, your vet should automatically scan your puppy so his micro-chip number is part of his permanent medical record. However if your vet does not do this, please ask them do so on your first visit.
Your puppy’s micro-chip number is written on the contract and stamped on the immunization record which you receive when you pick-up your puppy. You can also walk into any vet and ask them to scan your puppy to get the number if you misplace the info we send home with you.
How will I know my puppy’s birthdate and what immunizations my puppy has had?
For your convenience, we fill out and send home an immunization record including date of birth for each puppy.
We also include your puppy’s immunizations and date of birth in our written contract so you have two records of your puppy’s vaccinations.
We use some of the best vaccinations on the market. All puppies will have had a NeoPar vaccine, Bordetella (kennel Cough), and their first 5-way booster prior to leaving our home.
How long does it take to pick up my puppy?
Puppy pick-up days are big days and VERY busy. We wake the babies up early to eat and drink (hoping they eat early enough to prevent car sickness). Then we give every puppy a fresh bath and blow-dry so they are beautiful, soft and snuggly to meet their new forever family.
We generally schedule 45-60 minutes for a group of 2-3 families to come at the same time. Most days this is plenty of time to go over the contract, review care, feeding, immunizations, training, answering questions etc…
Once in a while, we do run a few minutes behind…If this happens to you, we apologize and ask for your patience as we want every family to get the time they need so they go home feeling confident.
Can we meet our puppy’s parents at pickup?
Absolutely. We ask that you let us know ahead of time that you would like to meet the puppy parents. You can reach out to us on the contact page.
Are the dogs health tested?
Dogs in our breeding program have been OFA tested for hips and elbows, as well as extensive DNA testing for genetic disease well known for their breed.
Where and how are your puppies & adults raised?
Our puppies are born in our home, where they stay for the first few to several days of their new beginning. Puppies are then moved to our beautiful sunroom with big windows and tons of natural light. This is a slightly quieter place for mama as she is very protective and will become anxious in the open, she wants privacy with her newborns.
Between 5 & 6 weeks, our puppies are weaned and moved to our kitchen where they can roam free. We paper train or litter box them with alfalfa grass pellets. They are raised under foot being picked up several times a day to be loved on, making a point of placing them on their back to receive belly rubs, as well as touching their paws and face to get them used to being handled and well-socialized.
We paper train our puppies (which makes potty training easier) and acclimate them to a crate by crating them for naps a couple times a day to make the transition smooth for both puppy and their new family. Many families tell us their puppy potty trained in 1-3 weeks.
Our adults rotate between our home and our kennel, this is for the safety of our dogs. We have a beautiful kennel that is only a few years old with heated floors and air conditioning.
Our dogs are loved and very much a part of our family. They eat quality dog food, take vitamins, receive routine medical care, are groomed regularly, get plenty of exercise, love and affection. I have worked hard as a breeder to produce healthy, loving dogs with exceptional personalities.
What’s included with my new puppy?
Our 2 year written Health Guarantee.
Your puppy will be fully vaccinated & dewormed.
Your puppy will be micro-chipped and registered in your name.
You will receive a State certified Health Certificate provided by our licensed veterinarian.
A puppy care pack to get you started- A beautiful cloth tote including: 4 lbs of Puppy Food, a scented (with our home scent) soft toy to help your puppy through the transition, and the training book.
Spay and neuter contract.
How do I prepare for my new Goldendoodle puppy?
When planning for your new puppy, please clear your schedule and have at least 2-4 days home (more is better) with your new puppy to get him on a routine prior to returning to work.
Please have someone available whom can come in mid-day once you return to work for 1-2 weeks, to potty & play with your puppy. This will give your puppy a little break daily, while adjusting to your work schedule. Your puppy is very young and will not be able to go long periods of time in the crate at first.
You’ll need to make your first vet appointment for your puppy’s wellness exam within 3 business days of picking your puppy up. We will provide you with an immunization record for your veterinarian when you arrive for pick-up. The wellness exam is just that, no vaccinations should be given at the wellness exam.
***IMPORTANT NOTE: many vets are booking months out, so you may want to schedule your appointment sooner than later.
Your puppy will need a crate, recommended sizes below. All sizes come with a movable divider to make it smaller while potty training.
- “Xtra large” size crate for a standard (55-70 lbs)
- “Large” size for a mini (25-35 lbs)
- “Medium” size crate for a petite (15-25 lbs)
- “Small” crate for a micro (10-15 lbs)
Do not let the size of the crate scare you, it’s not about a dogs weight, it’s about them being able to stand up without hitting their head and stretch out fully as an adult. We use the wire crate your puppy can see out of and be a part of things even when crated. This is the type of crate your puppy is acclimated to already and we highly recommend you get the same, we get them at Fleet Farm.
You will need plenty of toys, things that have dangly legs, things that crackle and crunch etc…a “Kong” is a must have (do not get the pink or blue as they are able to be chewed). Your puppy will of course have a natural urge to chew so you will need things like Pig ears, Bully sticks, and/or rawhide rolls. Rawhide is not recommended in small twists, or bone shapes, but I do like rawhide as it helps baby teeth come out and keeps adult teeth clean. We get the oversized 10-12 inch rolls, once the puppy/dog chews it down to 1/3 of its size, we toss them so our dogs do not gum up the remaining amount and accidentally get it lodged in his throat.
You are welcome to hold your puppy on the way home, you will want to bring a towel in case he gets sick. Although we try to feed early in the day so their tummies are empty when picked up, this is not always effective. You are also welcome to bring a crate if you prefer him to ride in that instead, but it may be a bit loud on the way home since he will be concerned about the transition of things on pick-up day.
Which makes a better pet, a boy or a girl?
So many people, when they set out to find a puppy, are looking for a “sweet little girl.” For some reason, in a smaller dog, “sweet little” seems to match a female rather than a male. However, we find that either sex makes an equally good pet.
Many times people find that males are more eager to please, as well as more motivated by treats, which can make them easier to train. Females are usually more independent, between both genders, it is actually the females, rather than the males, that are more likely to exhibit dominant behavior, such as mounting or fighting over the food dish; in nature, it is the females that determine pecking order.
So, as stated above, we really believe either sex makes an equally good pet. Whichever you choose, you will find that your puppy will love to run and caper when it’s time to play, then simply melt in your arms when you’re ready for some loving!
Will I need a crate? What kind/size do you recommend?
Your puppy will need a crate, recommended sizes below. All sizes come with a movable divider to make it smaller while potty training.
- “Xtra large” size crate for a standard (55-70 lbs)
- “Large” size for a mini (25-35 lbs)
- “Medium” size crate for a petite (15-25 lbs)
- “Small” crate for a micro (10-15 lbs)
Do not let the size of the crate scare you, it’s not about a dogs weight, it’s about them being able to stand up without hitting their head and stretch out fully as an adult. We use the wire crate your puppy can see out of and be a part of things even when crated. This is the type of crate your puppy is acclimated to already and we highly recommend you get the same, we get them at Fleet Farm.
Will my new puppy get along with my other dog or cat?
After the introductory period, most older dogs find they enjoy having a new companion and puppies are very resilient and well-able to adapt.
It seems much easier to house train in the summer rather than the winter, would you agree?
We actually see there are advantages either way. Obviously, in the summer, nobody has to freeze themselves waiting for puppy to get the job done. However, in the winter, the puppy is more likely to want to hurry up and finish so he can go back in the house, rather than take his time to smell the flowers and chase a butterfly.
What is Parvovirus? What precautions should we take?
Canine Parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that can be life threatening. The virus attacks rapidly dividing cells in a dog’s body, most severely affecting the intestinal tract. Parvovirus also attacks the white blood cells, and when young animals are infected, the virus can kill them and those that live can have a damage to the heart muscle and have lifelong cardiac problems.
Parvovirus is extremely contagious and can be transmitted by any person, animal or object that comes in contact with an infected dog. Highly resistant, the virus can live in the environment for months, up to several years.
It may survive on inanimate objects such as food bowls, shoes, clothes, carpet and floors. It is common for an unvaccinated dog to contract parvovirus from the streets, especially in urban areas where there are many dogs.
Due to this, it is VERY important families do not go to any other breeders, dog kennels, Humane societies, dog parks, puppy classes, Petco, Petsmart (greeting other peoples dogs there) or visit families with dogs or new puppies 1 month prior to getting your puppy and until your puppy is 16 weeks old and has received all of their vaccinations. This also means no trainers coming to your home as they could give your puppy this virus.
When taking your puppy to the vet for vaccinations do not let him walk in (carry him) and do not let him greet other dogs or lick on things.
Protecting our canine family members is our number one priority.
Looking for a different size goldendoodle?
Check out our available Goldendoodle Puppies!
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available puppies with Antonia’s Goldendoodle Babies.

Awww, wouldn't you love to snuggle one these beautiful F1 type Mini/Medium Goldendoodle Babies?🥰 Super sweet with gorgeous, wavy coat.🐾💕
Would like to learn more? Please visit
#goldendoodlelove #minigoldendoodles #mediumgoldendoodles #lightgoldendoodles ... See MoreSee Less
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They are adorable
Our newest addition of beautiful❤ Parti Goldendoodle babies🥰
Born January 18th, with 6 boys!💕These Micro (15 lbs or less) & Petite (15-25 lbs) size are non-shedding and have a curly coat.🐾
Would like to learn more? Please visit our website
#microgoldendoodles #petitegoldendoodles #partigoldendoodles #goldendoodlelove ... See MoreSee Less
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Gorgeous pups
They are beautiful.
Super sweet F1 Type Mini Doodles!! These sweet boys are just learning to toddle around & wrestle with one another, sooo beautiful to watch.❤ Sweet mama Willow brought them into the world on New Years Day.🥰
Please visit our website
#minigoldendoodles #doodlelove ... See MoreSee Less
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Antononia🐶 We passed each other walking in Stillwater and we asked who the breeder was, you are for both our doodles 💕🐶 I think she said her dogs name is Buddy and he’s 9 months old. Ivy will be 7 in May. I told her I would send this to you💕💕🐶
They are all so beautiful.
Happy February!!
We have beautiful Multi-gen Mini Goldendoodle babies!!🥰🐾❤
These sweet babies have a soft, fluffy, wavy coat and are super adorable. Raised in our home where we love & snuggle our babies throughout the day.
Please visit for additional details.
#goldendoodlelove ... See MoreSee Less
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They are so cute.
Emailed you 🩷
Merry Blessed Christmas Antonia.
Hope you and your family are well.
Sheryl, Oliver and the family.
Thank you for the Christmas Blessings Cheryl!🐾🎄❤
Sending you warm wishes in the new year.🙂 ... See MoreSee Less
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❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️ Al sana Öpücük ❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️ Al sana Öpücük ❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️ Al sana Öpücük ❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️ Al sana Öpücük ❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️ Al sana Öpücük ❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️ Al sana Öpücük ❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️ Al sana Öpücük ❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️ Al sana Öpücük ❤️😘🥰💋🐶💋🥰😘❤️
Wonderful Puppy Update!
Six month old Annie, showing off what she's learned! 🥰🐾💞
Annie lives in Missouri and keeps her mama Louise busy, as she is always up for playtime!💜 ... See MoreSee Less
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So cute.
Beautiful Family Photo update with matching Pajamas!🎄 So cute...
My 4 kids...LOL Piper and Walter do so well at Christmas time never get into the gifts of mess with the tree. Just the best dogs ever!
Thank you, Jami! ... See MoreSee Less
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Love them.
Merry Christmas from our furry family to yours!
#merrygoldendoodlechristmas #merrychristmas2024 #goldendoodlejoy ... See MoreSee Less
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Merry Christmas from Bella and her Momma.
Merry Christmas from Ollie and Teddy!
Merry Christmas from Shyiah(she’s the one in the middle) the other two are my sisters Aussie doodles, River and Archie
Beautiful Christmas photos of Bella and her mama! 🥰🎄
Thank you Carol for all the beautiful photos and updates!
Merry Christmas everyone! ... See MoreSee Less
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Thank you Antonia. Merry Christmas to you.